This Week’s Bread and a Fun Day in the Kitchen……………..

My favourite kind of day  – one spent in the kitchen.  
I started a biga yesterday morning with the idea of using it in a batch of bread later in the day.   
Never got around to it so….. I fed it again before going to bed.  
This morning I used half the biga in a batch of Rye bread and the other half in a double batch of French Baguette dough.   

The French dough needed a double rise before shaping so the Rye was ready to bake first. 
I roasted a red bell pepper that needed to be used up and made a half portion of my favourite Tuna Pate.
And we had it on rye for lunch.


  When the baguette dough was ready to go I divided it in half and made three small baguettes and the other half is in the fridge and will probably end up as pizza on Friday or Saturday night.  
While the dough was rising, I put a pot of Bolognese sauce on to simmer and I also made a batch of pasta dough.

 Once the last loaf of bread went into the oven, I rolled out the pasta dough and hand cut 3/4 inch wide noodles (Pappardelle style).

Rye Bread

425g white flour
175 g rye flour
75g Whole Wheat
460g water
2g cocoa (Optional for a darker rye)
22g  butter, melted
22g Molasses
6 g yeast
20g salt

Mix the two flours and cocoa together.  Add water. Mix by hand.
Cover and let rest (autolyze) for 20 to 30 minutes.

Mix the yeast with 2 to 3 teaspoons water.  Let sit for a couple of minutes.
Add to flour along with salt and butter. Use the pinch and fold method to incorporate. Do this 4 or  5 times. Cover and let rest
again for 20 to 30 minutes.

Stretch and fold the dough three or four (or more)  times about 20 minutes apart. And then leave to rise until more than double.

Shape dough into two loaves or three or four small baguettes (Good for cocktail rye)

Bake in a preheated 500°F oven for 20 to 25 minutes.  Spray loaves  and add some  steam by tossing some water into a pan in the
bottom of the oven.   Bake until  internal temperature reaches at least 205°F.


Rye Bread


1 1/2 cups rye flour

3 cups bread flour

1/2 cup whole wheat

2g cocoa (Optional for a darker rye)

2 teaspoons yeast

2 to 3 teaspoons salt

1 tablespoon molasses

2 tablespoons melted butter

Approximately 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups water

Egg Wash

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Every time I ready your blog I gain 3 pounds – I salivate – if you need a taste tester you just let me know and I will give my very honest opinion!

  2. You must know… every time I visit your blog and admire your pictures my heart SKIPS a beat. Oh, to have your talent and skills in the kitchen (and behind the lens!) Gorgeous bread, pasta… and as always you've captured it all so beautifully. Very nice!

  3. 2 Stews says:

    I have some sourdough starter in my fridge ready to go. My son brought it home for me from his starter at college (way better than bringing home dirty laundry!) I wonder if my loaves could possibly look as tasty and crusty as yours. The homemade pasta just sent me over the top…that's my kinda fun, too. Beautiful photos.Thanks!

  4. Marysol says:

    You'll probably be out of commission for the next few days after this baking extravaganza.Beautiful, comforting foods!It reminds me I haven't made Papardelle pasta in well over a year. Seems I've been in slacker mode for just as long.Ann, a while ago I used my starter to make whole wheat bread, and was surprised at how good it was. I think I'll test the waters with rye flour next. In any case, all this to say, the thought of sharing a kitchen with you, would be fun.

  5. Linda says:

    Ann…all I can say is WOW! That rye bread looks better than the bakery! I am going to make your French Bread this weekend I think…I keep putting it off. I can not wait to see your post of your finished pasta! I have not made fresh pasta in quite a while…you have inspired me!Simply gorgeous!

  6. Barbara says:

    I love a day in the kitchen too, Ann! Gives me such pleasure to test and try a new recipe! Your bread looks marvelous!I confess I've never made pasta!

  7. a quiet life says:

    your photos are always pure art to me…

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