Prime Rib Roast

Prime Rib Dinner and same day bread bake. Started another 1000g dough in the morning and baked same day. Eight baguettes. Six regular and two Cheddar. Small Prime Rib for dinner. Presalted the day before and left to air dry uncovered in the fridge. Roasted on high heat. Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes and buttered peas….

Baguettes and Boules

Yesterday’s bake. Same day. Last loaf came out of the oven around 9:00 PM and I started the dough in the morning around 5:30 AM.Discard from sourdough feed and 2g of yeast. 1000g flour at 80%. Left it out all day while I was at work and it was ready to go when I got…

Quick Puff Pastry

Made a quick puff pasty the other morning and used half the batch on two individual chicken pot pies. Used the remaining pastry to make an Apple Galette this morning. My Favourite Pastry Dough Edited: December/20142 cups all purpose flour3/4 teaspoon salt1/3 cup butter1/3 cup lard (or shortening- Crisco)5 to 6 tablespoons of ice water,…