White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

I promised Moe I would bake cookies today. His favourite cookie is the “Best Oatmeal Cookies”. I posted the recipe here a few weeks ago. This time, for something a little different, I added one cup of Callebaut white chocolate (broken up into small chunks). Along with the sugar topping I also sprinkled the top…

Penne with Grilled Italian Sausage

Quick and simple. Grilled Italian Sausage with penne in a basic marinara sauce. Home Cookin Chapter: Recipes From Thibeault’s Table Basic Marinara Sauce==================== Olive oil, fresh garlic, canned Roma Tomatoes, salt, pepper, and basil. Heat the olive oil with the garlic and saute 30 to 60 seconds, don’t let the garlic brown. Add the tomatoes,…