Baguettes – Food Processor Method

I had actually forgot that I had Charles Van Over’s “The Best Bread Ever cookbook – Great Homemade Bread Using your Food Processor” until a member of eGullet posted about it recently and shared pictures of the breads he was making using the Food Processor method.

I decided last night to pull out my KA processor and make a small batch of baguette dough. using Van Over’s method. I did the initial mixing in the processor, (45 seconds) but also did a couple of stretch and folds before bed. I also decreased the yeast from 2 grams to 1 gram because I was leaving it out on the counter overnight so I could bake in the morning. And I wanted a slow rise.

Decided to make three full size baguettes rather than the small baguettes I usually make. Three between 17″ and 18″ long.

Unfortunately, the longer baguettes can’t be started in the CSO. I had to sprayed them with water and toss ice cubes into the oven.

Matt wanted to use one of the baguettes to make a sandwich today so I sliced one while still slightly warm just to see what the crumb was like.

Considering just how quick this dough came together in the processor,

I’m really thrilled with the crust and the crumb.

Lots of shine thanks to our great Canadian flour.

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