Homemade Kaisers and Hot Dog Buns

Earlier this week I baked a batch of kaisers and used some of the dough for hot dog buns. And for dinner we had grilled European Wieners  on the buns with homemade onion rings. Kaiser Buns 4 1/2 cups flour (650g) 1 to 2  teaspoons sugar (5g) 2 to 3  teaspoons salt (22g) 2 1/2…

Spicy Green Beans with Pork in Black Bean Sauce

Typical of most of the Chinese style dishes that I cook this is just a basic outline. Not a formal recipe.   Spicy Green Beans with Pork =========================== 1 pork tenderloin, thinly sliced ShaoHsing rice wine cornstarch sesame oil Green Beans 1 White Onion 1 Garlic Clove fresh Ginger Black Pepper sauce Chile Garlic sauce…